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GOFLUO makes chic bodyglowers and reflective accessories to commute with style. Born from the simple intuition that fluo vests are generally ugly, GOFLUO bridges the gap between the functionality of reflective outerwear and a cheerful design aesthetic.

A mission to brighten everyday life translated into accessible and eye—catching designs that remain relevant through time.

Founded by Antwerp designer Julie Vets, GOFLUO offers a range of groovy fluo vests, bags, backpack covers and other reflective items that save your style when on the go.

Its garments are made for the entire urban family, for those who bike or practice outdoor activities, and everyone else who wish to show up.

Freshmen invested in GOFLUO in the angel stage of the business and later participated in follow-on rounds.  Following a recent late seed round of the company, GOFLUO is now expanding to North-American consumers and retailers.

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